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成都青苗学校重磅师资 | 小学部2024年师资团队发布!

  重磅师资 | 小学部2024年师资团队发布!





  青苗集团创始人Founder of BEANSTALK

  施华Kathy Shi

  创始人/董事长Founder/President施,予也。华,精华。二十年如一日坚持用爱与情怀坚守教育事业,致力于“做扎根中国、融通世界的新时代教育”是她不变的信仰。作为最早由中国人创办的国际教育品牌,经过26年的执著与坚守,凭借中西融合的创新民办教育模式,从当初的开拓者,青苗变成今天中国国际教育行业的引领者。'Shi' means giving, 'Hua' means essencesMs. Kathy Shi (Hua) brings her vision of giving the essences of Chinese and Western education to children. With over twenty years of experience in education, Ms. Shi and BIBS are committed to integrating China's education with Western education in supportive and stimulating environments.As the earliest international education brand founded by Chinese, after 26 years of dedication and perseverance, BIBS has transformed from a pioneer into a leader in China's international education industry, with an innovative approach that integrates both Chinese and Western educational philosophies.Swipe left for English

  2办学管理委员会School Management Committee

  许薇Vivian Xu

  党支部书记/法人校长CPC Branch Secretary/Incorporated principal上海交通大学工学学士西南师范大学教育学硕士中学高级教师

  曾任某公立小学校长兼党支部书记、《读写月报新教育》杂志责任编辑、问对教育运营总监、西部教育评估事务所理事长;获评“成都市优秀青年教师”“全国教育科研杰出校长”等荣誉称号,获四川省政府教学成果二等奖。Ms. Xu used to be the principal and Secretary of the Party branch of one primary school, the responsible editor of the magazine "reading and writing monthly new education", the director of education operation and the chairman of Western Education Evaluation Office; She was awarded the honorary titles of "Chengdu excellent young teacher" and "national outstanding president of education and scientific research", and won the second prize of teaching achievement award of Sichuan provincial government.

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  王艳琴Vicky Wang

  成都校区CEOBEANSTALK Chengdu CEO四川大学工商管理学硕士先后就职于世界五百强外资银行和基金管理公司,具有丰富的运营管理经验;后就职于问对教育智库,任职期间曾为超过六十所学校提供了教育咨询服务。她擅长用科学管理方法运营学校,带领成都校区非教学部门为师生护航。Ms. Wang has extensive experience in operation and management in Fortune 500 leading foreign banks and fund management companies, and later worked in Education Think Tank, where she provided education consulting services to more than 60 schools. She specializes in scientific management of schools and leads the non-teaching department of Chengdu Campus to protect teachers and students.

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  杜敏Min Du

  中方校长Chinese Head of School剑桥大学教育学博士英国莱斯特大学教育管理MBA剑桥大学数字教育未来计划中国顾问

  曾在重庆地区教委和重点中学工作,后在英国伦敦和剑桥郡有15年教学经历,对中西方教育有深刻的理解和认识。先后担任成都某国际学校核心创校成员、初中部校长及首席教育顾问,常州威雅国际学校副校长。Dr. Du holds a PhD in Education from the University of Cambridge, and a MBA in Education Management from the University of Leicester, UK. She is the China consultant for the University of Cambridge's Digital Education Futures Program. Principal Du worked in Chongqing Education Commission for 8 years, and then had 15 years of teaching experience in London and Cambridgeshire, UK, with a deep understanding and knowledge of Chinese and Western education.Swipe left for English

  龙俊杰Nigel Jones

  IB学术校长/小学部校长IB Academic PrincipalPrincipal of Primary school英国曼切斯特大学学士德比大学教育硕士国际文凭组织亚太地区学校授权官、学校顾问、培训师拥有超过二十年的小学、中学管理经验,曾出任多国国际学校外籍校长及PYP学校总监,指导多所学校顺利通过IB考核成为IB授权学校。出版过13本幼儿、小学英语教材及中学课外英语辅导教材。Mr. Jones is well known as an International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) authorization officer in the Asia Pacific region as well as a school consultant and trainer. With more than twenty years of experience in educational management, Mr. Jones has served as a foreign principal and PYP Coordinator at international schools in several countries and has guided schools toward successful IB authorization on several occasions, including at BIBS Chengdu campus.Swipe left for English

  廖衍薇Vivian Liao

  小学部副校长Vice Principal of Primary School汉语言文学学士中小学一级教师、国家二级心理咨询师拥有27年教育教学工作经验,擅长语文教学、心理团辅课程和班主任工作指导,曾获得区级和市级荣誉;曾在成都嘉祥外国语锦江校区、上海诺达双语学校担任管理和教学工作,在成都某私立学校担任国际部执行校长,积累了丰富的国际学校教学和管理经验。Ms. Liao has 27 years of experience in education and teaching, she is good at Chinese teaching and guidance, and has won district and municipal honors; used worked in a bilingual school in Shanghai as a middle-level management and teaching for three years, accumulated rich experience in teaching and management of international schools, and served as the executive principal of the English department in a private school in Chengdu. With enthusiasm and understanding of multiculturalism, Ms. Liao would support the development of teachers and accompany the growth of children!Swipe left for English

  王琪欣Derrick Wang

  中学部执行校长/升学指导总监Executive Principalof Secondary School/Director of College Counseling英语语言学硕士“牛剑+藤校+英国G5”大满贯升学专家全国教师教学大赛一等奖获得者,成都市教科院特聘专家,美国托福考试机构(ETS)TOEFL VOICE特别讲师,澳大利亚墨尔本大学访问学者。曾在多所全国重点中学国际部担任项目负责人、升学指导负责人,对DP、AP、A-level三大国际主流课程有深刻理解,直接指导学生进入康奈尔大学、哥伦比亚大学、牛津大学、剑桥大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦大学学院、加州大学洛杉矶分校等世界名校。Director and college counselor for international programs in several best high schools in the country. First-prize winner in the national teaching competition in 2010, special consultant to Chengdu Education Research Institute, Training Master for ETS TOEFL Voice event, Visiting Scholar to the University of Melbourne. Mr. Wang has a deep understanding of the three major international curricula: the IB, AP and A Level. In the past ten years, with his rich experience in college application, Mr. Wang helps students gain admissions to world-class universities including Cornell University,Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, UCL and UCLA.Swipe left for English

  Dawid Bochen

  中学部外方校长Foreign Principalof Secondary School音乐治疗文学硕士儿童护理和学校咨询硕士哈佛商学院和哈佛教育研究生院颁发的学校管理和领导力证书国际文凭组织授权官、访问官和培训官WASC访问委员会成员曾担任K12学校校长、中学校长以及中学项目协调员等行政职务,具有15年国际文凭组织学校的工作经验,是IBO的活跃成员,作为IB项目组的负责人,组织亚太地区和欧洲的教师进行研讨会;作为学校访问团队的负责人,负责验证考察对学校进行评估。Mr. Bochen is an international school administrator with over 15 years of working experience in international and bilingual IB world schools. Mr. Bochen held administrative positions as head of school (K-12), secondary school assistant principal and principal, as well as MYP coordinator.Mr. Bochen is an active member of IB Educator Network. As an IB workshop leader he has been conducting workshops for teachers across the Asia-Pacific region and Europe, while as a School Visit Team Leader he has been evaluating schools during verification and evaluation visits. He also supports schools as IB Consultant. In addition, Mr. Bochen is a trained WASC Visiting Committee Member.Swipe left for English

  肖嘉余Jenny Xiao

  成都青苗事业发展部青苗幼教集团外埠园长Principal of ECC(out of Beijing)东北师范大学硕士


  曾任宋庆龄国际幼儿园园长,具有20年国际教育一线教学及管理经验,倡导以儿童为本、回归自然、尊重儿童自然发展规律的学前教育,并提出在幼儿园阶段要培养儿童成为拥有幸福生活能力的终身学习者。Ms. Xiao majored in music education in Jilin, and completed her postgraduate study at Northeast Normal University. She is holding the MCI British Montessori Association preschool education tutor qualification certificate. She once served as the director of SongQingling International Kindergarten. Ms. Xiao has 20 years of international education front-line teaching and management experience, advocating child-oriented, return to nature, respect for children's natural development of preschool education.

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  3小学部IB协调员IB Coordinator

  龙婷Jessica Long

  PYP协调员/EAL教师PYP Coordinator/EAL Teacher英语教育专业学士从事国际教育行业十余年,曾任职于新加坡伊顿国际学校,担任语言教师、IB协调员及副校长职务,曾带领团队成功取得IB认证 。丰富的IB教学经验使得她面对不同背景、不同阶段的学生游刃有余,让孩子们在关爱中全面发展。Having been working in international education for over 10 years, Ms. Long previously served as the IB PYP Chinese second language teacher at Singapore Eton headquarter Boardrick campus, as well as being the vice principal of Eton Chengdu campus and IB coordinator; Her rich experience enables her to handle students with different backgrounds and stages in a caring and holistic way.Swipe left for English

  廖露露 Lulu Liao

  德育副主任/EAL教师Deputy Director of Moral Education/ EAL Teacher英语专业学士中小学英语教师资格认证成都青苗创校员工,不仅在教学岗位上兢兢业业,更是在德育岗位辛勤耕耘,深受小学部孩子们的喜欢。拥有多年英语教学经验和班主任经验,从事国际学生英语教学多年,熟悉国际课程体系。致力于培养孩子从小拥有良好的习惯,为孩子营造公平、温馨、涵养心灵的人文环境。The founding staff of Chengdu BEANSTALK, Ms. Liao is not only dedicated in her teaching position, but also works hard in her moral education position, which is loved by the children in the primary school. Ms Liao has many years of English teaching experience and classroom teacher experience. She has been teaching English to international students for many years and is familiar with the international curriculum system. She has rich experience in student activities, interest and habit cultivation, and is committed to cultivating good habits in children from childhood and creating a fair, warm and nurturing humanistic environment for children.Swipe left for English

  4小学部教师(外籍主班教师)Homeroom Teachers

  Hope Joseph Morgan

  主班教师/一、二年级组长PYP Homeroom Teacher/G1&2Team Leader英国诺丁汉大学应用英语学硕士获得TEFL认证/汉语HSK五级证书获得英语教学(幼教)认证(剑桥大学)、英语教学(少年)认证(牛津大学)拥有7年的英语教学经验,并在任教期间多次获得年度最佳教师/杰出教师荣誉。擅长全科教学,对第二语言习得的培养颇有研究;除此之外,对低龄段探究数学以及体适能锻炼也有丰富的经验。能指导学生有效使用学习技能,在学习过程中培养学生探究技能,并致力于把IB理念真正实施于教学。Mr. Morgan has 7 years of teaching experience at reception age and has won the honor of “teacher of the year” and “outstanding teacher” several times during his life as a teacher. He is good at general subject teaching, especially at the young age.Mr. Morgan specializes in second language acquisition and physical fitness training.In the face of various problems that students will encounter during exploration, Mr. Morgan can guide students to effectively use learning skills and cultivate students' ATL development. Mr. Morgan is committed to implementing IB conceptually based learning and looks forward to working hand in hand with young teachers and students.Swipe left for English

  Maya Isacovici

  主班教师/三、四年级组长PYP Homeroom Teacher/G3&4Team Leader英语和德语文学学士跨文化交际和语言学硕士持有教育学和儿童心理学教师证书拥有13年一线教学经验,在欧洲各国担任过英语教师,作为IB学校PYP部的英语老师,她的英语课堂既有乐趣也有效果,确保所有的课程以学生为中心;擅长差异化教学,关注每个孩子的学习进步,致力于创造一个友好的课堂环境,具有出色的沟通技巧和高度的创造力,班主任工作耐心而细致,深得家长们的信任。With 13 years of teaching experience, Ms.Isacovici has worked as an English teacher in various European countries. As an English teacher in PYP Department of IB School, her English class is both fun and effective, ensuring that all courses are student-centered, she is good at differentiated teaching, pays attention to the learning progress of each child, and is committed to creating a friendly classroom environment.Ms.Isacovici has served as the teaching director in an international training school. She has excellent communication skills and high creativity. Her teacher in charge is patient and meticulous, and has won the trust of parents.Swipe left for English

  Robert William Müller

  主班教师/五年级组长PYP Homeroom Teacher/G5Team Leader比勒陀利亚大学教育支持专业学士教育学硕士拥有15年国际教育行业从业经验,曾在沙特阿拉伯ASPIRE国际学院、中国北京力迈国际学校任教,担任IBPYP全科教师,承担数学、人文、科学等教学工作。时常组织各科教师讨论学习计划,找到满足每个学生需求和兴趣的方法,帮助学生成为富有成效和快乐的全球公民。Mr. Muller is full of enthusiasm for education, emphasizes result orientation, is good at motivating students and creating a positive learning environment for students. For 15 years, he has an honorary degree in education, an international teacher certificate PGCE, and an international English teacher certificate TEFL. He has served as a teacher in many international chemical schools, teaching mathematics, English, science and other courses. He has comprehensive abilities, once served as the football coach of the school, and holds the professional certificate of first aid.Swipe left for English

  Smah Mthombeni

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher南非德班理工大学教育专业学士南非大学融合教育荣誉学士拥有11年低龄段学生英语教学经验,是一位充满激情的教师,她通过动态沟通和互动小组策略,从中挖掘出学生最好的一面。在Smah的课堂上,学生们非常注重提高自我效能感和包容性,很快就获得了独立学习的技能。专注于本国和中国的融合教育及低龄段教学,并深切了解学生的学术、社会和情感需求。Ms.Mthombeni is a passionate teacher who draws out the best in students though dynamic communication and interactive group strategies. Strongly focusing on enhancing self-efficacy and inclusivity, in Smah’s class, students quickly gain independent learning skills.Since graduating with an honors degree in Inclusive Education in 2010, Smah has specialised in teaching reception and grade one in her home country and in China, and is deeply aware of their academic, social and emotional needs. Ms.Mthombeni has quickly learned the skills needed to implement conceptually driven inquiry that is highly academically and skills focused.Swipe left for English

  Nicole Newson

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher理学学士/硕士TEFL/TESOL证书近10年国际教育教学经验

  曾在美国、日本担任英语教师及班主任,后定居中国,致力于国际学生的英语教学工作。在教学中,与孩子们亦师亦友,相信“教书”和“育人”是不可分割的,不但注重孩子们的学习,更关注他们在情感上、思想上的持续发展。在课堂中,强调培养学习习惯及自律能力,让孩子学有所成,学有所乐。努力了解发现学生不同的个性和需求,耐心倾听困惑和问题,解答、引导;鼓励孩子们大胆尝试,勇敢地面对挑战。Experience in international education and teaching in recent 10 years. In 2016, Ms.Newson went from the United States to Japan as an English teacher and head teacher, responsible for general practice teaching and started education in Asia. He settled in China in 2018 and devoted himself to English teaching for international students. In teaching, Ms.Newson is also a teacher and friend with children. Ms.Newson believes that "teaching" and "educating people" are inseparable. Therefore, Ms.Newson not only pays attention to children's learning, but also pays attention to their emotional and ideological sustainable development. In the classroom, we emphasize the cultivation of study habits and self-discipline. I believe that under the leadership of strict teachers, children will be able to learn successfully and have fun. In the face of every student, Encourage children to try boldly and face challenges bravely.Swipe left for English

  Sameera Shaik Omar

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher教育学学士近20年低龄段国际教育教学/管理经验,熟练掌握IB课程体系与实施。曾在在国际学校中担任PYP协调员,对IB课程规划与教学、评估和评价、差异化教学、课堂行为管理以及多元化的班级活动有了更深刻的实践,她乐于为同学们创造寓教于乐的教学环境,帮助同学们更好的学习与成长,为每一位孩子提供最匹配的支持。Nearly 20 years' teaching/management experience in international education for young people. Omar has worked as a PYP coordinator in international schools, and has had a deeper practice in IB curriculum planning and teaching, assessment and evaluation, differentiated teaching, classroom behavior management and diversified class activities. She is willing to create an entertaining teaching environment for students, help them learn and grow better, and provide the most matching support for every child. We look forward to meeting Ms. Omar, a patient and enthusiastic teacher who loves education and starts a new semester.Swipe left for English

  Tamara Moodley

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher夸祖鲁·纳塔尔大学理学学士开普敦大学教育学硕士利物浦约翰摩尔大学硕士曾在阿联酋、中国和南非国际学校任教,拥有近10年的教学和领导经验。擅长全科教学,将“以学生为中心”的教学理念植入每一个教学环节,培养孩子在英语、数学、科学、历史地理综合课程的探究能力,让孩子感受探索真理的快乐。在教学过程中,Tamara老师善于识别学生个人的优势和劣势,及时设计定制不同的学习体验,以确保所有学生茁壮成长。Ms. Moodley has more than 8 years of teaching and education management experience and has taught in international schools in the United Arab Emirates, China and South Africa. She is good at general subject teaching, especially at the teaching and management of young students.Ms. Moodleyoften thinks deeply about how to better integrate the concept of "learner centered" into all links of curriculum design in the future, how to better carry out interdisciplinary theme exploration activities, so that children can feel the joy of learning, feel the joy of exploring the truth, effectively integrate and flexibly apply the knowledge of various disciplines, and cultivate children into lifelong learners.Swipe left for English


  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher文学硕士英国教师资格证拥有7年教学经验,擅长K12英语全科教学。先后任职于私立五朵金花学校及国际学校,担任英语教师及班主任,负责低龄段孩子的英文学习。熟悉IB小学段学生学情特点,能制定相符合的教学目标,设计具有针对性的课程计划。致力于营造支持性、激励性和包容性的学习氛围,采用各种教学策略来适应不同学生的学习风格。

  7 years of English teaching experience, good at K-12 English teaching. Mr. Cyrus came to Chengdu in 2017, and worked in private Wudihua School and international school successively as an English teacher and team leader, responsible for English learning of younger children. He is committed to creating a supportive, inspiring and inclusive learning atmosphere and adopting various teaching strategies to adapt to different students' learning styles.Swipe left for English

  Flores Luis Angel

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher美国密歇根州里大学人类学/心理学学士获得CELTA证书/美国教师资格认证拥有10余年英语教学经验,致力于小学阶段国际学生英语教学工作。通过观察不同年龄阶段学生在探究课程中的学习能力,Luis老师因材施教,教学内容贴近生活,对六大主题探究特点深入分析,引导学生掌握学习技能,培养学生成为一名终身学习者。Mr. Angel is a teacher with high expectations. He has ten years of teaching experience. After obtaining a bachelor's degree in anthropology / psychology from Michigan State University, he has also obtained the American teacher qualification certificate and the International English teacher qualification certificate TEFL.Mr. Angel has taught PYP for more than four years and is highly familiar with PYP inquiry based learning. He enjoys helping students to find and solve their own problems, acquire language in the process and improve their overall skills development.Swipe left for English

  George Daniel William

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher伦敦玛丽女王大学文学学士英国坎特伯雷大学小学教育学硕士曾任职于广东某外国语学校,一直致力于低龄段学生班级管理及教学工作,带领孩子在寓教于乐的环境中提高听力以及口语能力,让孩子们快速适应英文环境,与孩子建立友好的师生关系。为孩子创建了以英语写作和口语为重点的课程,并对课程实施提出行之有效的建议,特别是针对一些需要特别照顾的学生,提高专注力、阅读力以及培养良好的学习习惯。Since graduating from university, Mr.William has been working in a foreign language school in Guangdong, China. He has been dedicated to class management and teaching for young students, leading them to improve their listening and speaking abilities in a fun and educational environment. This helps children quickly adapt to the English environment and establish a good teacher-student relationship.During this period, he created courses for young children with a focus on English writing and speaking, and provided effective suggestions on how to plan and implement them, especially for students who need special attention, to improve their concentration, reading ability, and cultivate good learning habits.Swipe left for English

  Craig Chanley

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher诺丁汉大学PGCEi教育硕士专业拥有12年教育经验,双语教学经验丰富,擅长全科教学,曾在西川实验学校国际部担任班级教师。Craig老师的教学风格严谨,注重培养孩子的学术素养,启发孩子的自主学习意识,善于根据孩子的学习需求调整教学方法,高效的课堂教学深受家长的认可。在教学中,Craig老师善于鼓励学生主动学习、积极思考,让学生全面发挥潜能。Mr. Chanley was awarded PGCEi Master of Education from the University of Nottingham. He has 12 years of experience in education, is experienced in bilingual teaching and specializes in teaching all subjects. He has worked as a classroom teacher in the International Department of Xichuan Experimental School. Mr. Craig's teaching style is rigorous, focusing on cultivating the children's academic literacy and inspiring the children's sense of independent learning. He is also good at adjusting teaching methods according to children's learning needs, and his highly effective teaching style is highly recognized by parents. In his class, Ms. Craig is good at encouraging students to take the initiative to learn and think positively, so that students can fully realize their potential.Swipe left for English

  Mark Harris

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher怀卡特大学本科学士曾在成都嘉祥外国语等学校担任英语教师,拥有超过10年的英语教学经验。致力于创造一个安全、积极的学习环境,对IBPYP教学有深刻的理解,在探究中让孩子们成长。在这个学习氛围中,学生的努力付出会被教师加以鼓励、尊重和奖励。Mr. Harris has worked in Chengdu Jia Xiang Foreign Languages School,Mr. Harris is committed to creating a safe and positive learning environment in which students will be encouraged, respected, and rewarded. With an excellent curriculum, profound teaching methods, and the efforts of the students', the potential for academic success is eminent.Swipe left for English

  Dale Cauldwell-French

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher经济学学士/硕士英国考文垂大学教师资格证曾任职于英国韦斯特菲尔德小学、中国天津惠灵顿国际学校,担任主班教师。擅长全科教学,胜任包括数学、英语、人文、科学、健康和STEAM课程等多门学科的教学工作;开展各式学生友谊活动,教学风格灵活多样,根据学生的兴趣和需求调整教学策略,以富有启发性的教学方法引导学生深入思考,激发学习热情,让他们在学习中找到乐趣和动力。Mr. Cauldwell-French is a passionate teacher with many years of general practice teaching experience. He once worked in Westerfield Primary School in England and Wellington International School in Tianjin, China, as a homeroom teacher. He is good at general practice teaching, and is competent in teaching many subjects including mathematics, English, humanities, science, health and STEAM courses. He is also good at planning campus activities.In the classroom, Mr. Cauldwell-French‘s teaching style is flexible and diverse, adjusting teaching strategies according to students’ interests and needs, guiding students to think deeply with inspiring teaching methods, stimulating their enthusiasm for learning, and letting them find fun and motivation in learning.Swipe left for English

  Steven Merlin Kruger

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher西北大学(南非)教育学学士拥有10年教学经验,曾就职于南非当地知名小学,担任主班教师。擅长数学/科学学科教学,通过有趣的方式将枯燥的理科学习变得生动,善于调动学生积极性,管理有序,所带班级学生行为习惯良好,时常得到家长的赞誉。课余时间,组织学生开展数学俱乐部,与学生分享旅游、美食、见闻等信息,为学生的课余生活提供丰富多元的信息,让孩子的潜能得到最大发展。Mr. Kruger has 10 years of teaching experience. In the past experience, he often makes boring science learning lively through interesting activities, is good at mobilizing students' enthusiasm. He manages his class in an orderly manner, and has good behavior management of the students.Mr. Kruger has been rated as an excellent teacher by his previous schools several times, and is often praised by his parents.He is looking forward to meeting the children in the new semester!Swipe left for English

  Jancy M. Roberts

  主班教师PYP Homeroom Teacher国际英语教育专业硕士南京农业大学理学学士上海同济大学中文语言认证美国莫兰大学教学许可证拥有13年国际教育教学经验,曾任职于上海American Easle学校、加拿大国际学校(昆山)担任英语教师以及年级主管:并负责该年级IB项目的运营和管理工作。善于根据学生情况制定个性化的教学方案,对培养孩子从小行为习惯、学习能力、团队协作等方面颇有心得:中英能力俱佳,能兼顾到所有的同学的语言需求,让Jacny老师在国际学生中深受欢迎。Ms.Roberts has 13 years of international education and teaching experience having worked at Shanghai American Eagle School and the Canadian International School of Kunshan as a Homeroom teacher and grade level supervisor. She was also responsible for the operation and management of the IB project in the grade levelIn her long-term relationships with children, Ms. Roberts has a set of effective methods to help develop student agency and has a wealth of experience in cultivating children's behavior habits, learning ability, teamwork, etc.Swipe left for English

  5小学部语文教师Chinese Language Teachers

  朱毅 Jude Zhu

  小学部语文组组长Head of Chinese Department of PYP重庆师范大学汉语言文学学士从事中文教学10余年,曾任职于某公立学校任语文教师,某国际学校担任中方班主任及中文课程教师,授课年级从G4-G10均有涵盖。对国家语文教学标准以及IB中文、IGCSE课程内容了如指掌,尊重学生个体差异,因材施教,帮助学生最大化地吸收、消化所学知识。曾在IB研学官方公众号多次发表文章,得到行业内一致认可。Mr. Zhu Has been teaching Chinese for more than 10 years, he formerly was a Chinese teacher at a public school as well as a Chinese teacher and homeroom teacher at an international school, covering grade 4 to 10. In addition to establish an extensive understanding of regular Chinese teaching syllabus, Mr. Zhu is also familiar with IB and IGCSE course contens. He respects each student’s individual difference, teaches them accordingly, and helps students to best absorb the knowledge. His articles about IB study have been published by official websites and widely recognized by the industry.Swipe left for English

  陈丽Lily Chen

  语文教师Chinese Teacher四川师范大学英语教育专业拥有17年一线教学经验,曾任职于广州中大附属外国语小学、某国际学校担任小学语文教师、班主任及全科教师。注重差异化教学,学生自主学习能力和创新能力的培养,实践国家课程与IB教学理念和方法的融合。对小学生心理健康教育有独到理解。善于组织管理班集体,进行家校沟通,搭建好学校和家庭的桥梁。Ms. Chen used to work in famous foreign language schools in Guangzhou and IB schools in Chengdu, teaching English, Chinese, mathematics and IB inquiry courses in primary schools. Focus on differentiation teaching andthe cultivation of students' autonomous learning ability and innovation ability, practice the integration of national curriculum and IB teaching ideas and methods.Ms. Chen paies attention to cultivating students' core qualities, strengthens the cultural confidence of the mother tongue, and cultivate students' thinking ability.Swipe left for English

  赵阳Amber Zhao

  语文教师Chinese Teacher湖南科技大学对外汉语专业学士西安外国语大学汉语国际教育硕士高级中学语文教师资格证、国际汉语教师资格证拥有近10年国际学校中文教学经验和班主任工作经验,了解小学不同年龄阶段的学习特征,对多元文化、学习方法和学生特点有着深刻的理解。采用鼓励和互动式的课堂教学方式激发学生的学习兴趣,同时锻炼学生的语文思维,致力于培养学生积极的学习心态和学习信心,提高学生对中国语言和文化的热爱。With approximately 10 years teaching Chinese and serving as homeroom teacher in international education, Ms. Zhao understands the learning characteristics of different age groups in primary school; she is especially insightful on international culture, learning method, and student’s personal traits.Ms. Zhao believes that motivational and interactive lecturing method best inspires student’s learning interest; at the same time, it also practices students’ Chinese thinking. Ms. Zhao is committed to cultivating students to have a positive elarning mindset and confident in learning, as well as elevating student’s passion in Chinese language and culture.Swipe left for English

  文小霞Isa Wen

  语文教师Chinese Teacher对外汉语专业学士国际汉语教师资格证拥有11年国际学校中文教学经验,曾任职于印度尼西亚当地知名小学,担任中文教师,教授小学阶段学生汉语语言,对国际学生学习汉语有丰富的教学经验。后任职于江苏某IB学校,担任备课组长及班主任工作。多年一线教学经历,深谙国际学生在学科知识上的难点,对PYP探究学习有深入了解与实践,因材施教的教学方式深得学生喜爱与家长的信赖。With 11 years experience in teaching Chinese at primary school, Ms. Wen formerly taught K3-primary school student Chinese at a prestigious primary school in Indonesia, earning rich experience in teaching international students Chinese. Ms. Wen then worked at Jurong Country Garden IB School in Jiangsu Province as group leader and homeroom teacher. With years of front-line teaching experience, Ms. Wen knows the challenge in teaching international students Chinese very well and develops in-depth understanding and practice of PYP inquity learning; her teaching style is also highly recognized and appreciated by students and parents.Swipe left for English

  孙跃Yue Sun

  语文教师Chinese Teacher西南民族大学对外汉语文学学士北京第二外国语学院汉语国际教育硕士高中教师资格证6年国际教育教学经验,曾任职于葡萄牙St. Paul’s国际学校、里斯本孔子学院等,担任对外汉语教师,对国际学生学习汉语有丰富的教学经验。随后任职成都某国际学校,担任PYP协调员助理 、中文学科组长等职务。熟悉融合国家教材与IB-PYP项目对于语言的学习要求,通过让学生自主探究、自主学习,激发学生学习内驱力,鼓励学生多元化发展。Mr. Sun has 6 years of international education and teaching experience. He once worked in St. Paul's international school in Portugal, Confucius Institute in Lisbon, etc. as a teacher of Chinese as a foreign language.Mr. Sun has rich teaching experience in learning Chinese for international students. Later, he worked in an IB world school as the assistant PYP coordinator of the English department and the head of the PYP Chinese discipline of the English department.Mr. Sun knows well about the language learning requirements of integrating national textbooks and IB-PYP project. By allowing students to explore and study independently,Mr. Sun can stimulate students' internal drive for learning, encourage students to think actively and develop in a diversified way.Swipe left for English

  章敏 Jasmine Zhang

  语文教师Chinese Teacher汉语言文学教育专业文学学士获得高中教师资格证从教18年,曾先后在成都知名公、民办中小学从事语文教师、班主任及专职儿童阅读教师工作,拥有儿童阅读指导师资格证。强调兴趣是最好的老师,是帮助学生与学科建立关系的纽带,重视阅读,致力于培养终身阅读爱好者。With 18 years teaching experience, Ms. Zhang has taught in famous school such as Anyue Middle School, Affiliated Primary school of Sichuan University, Waldorf School, Badmeji School as a Chinese teacher, head teacher, and full-time children's reading teacher.She values interest in teaching. Interest is the best teacher, which could help students establish a relationship with the subject. She is also committed to cultivate students into lifelong reading lovers.Swipe left for English

  郝立雪 Sara Hao

  语文教师Chinese Teacher北京第二外国语学院汉语国际教育专业硕士四川外国语大学成都学院文学学士国际中文教师资格证、高中语文教师资格证、高中英语教师资格证曾任职于深圳南山国际学校,承担MYP学段课程辅助、PYP学段EAL教学及副班主任工作,参与家长会的组织安排并负责会场翻译;拥有2年的公立小学教育经验,以及丰富的对外汉语教学经验。Ms. hao has worked at Nanshan International School in Shenzhen as a MYP drama teacher for classroom preparation and classroom management support, as a PYP EAL teacher for writing, reading and I&S classroom preparation, classroom management and teaching support, participated in group lesson planning and communicated with foreign teachers on lesson plans, communicated with them after class and made adjustments to the curriculum. Ms. hao also has two years of experience in public elementary school education and has extensive experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.Swipe left for English

  陈婷 Ting Chen

  语文教师Chinese Teacher美国莫兰德大学教师资格认证课程K-12中文方向四川师范大学英语专业国际中文教师证书高中英语教师资格证书

  先后在巴基斯坦、泰国和英国教授中文课程,拥有丰富的双语教学经历,凭借扎实的专业实力成功帮助学生获得清华大学、北京师范大学等中国大学奖学金。善于根据学生情况制定个性化学习方案,帮助学生迅速提高综合语言能力。曾作为中文教师代表参与中国驻巴基斯坦卡拉奇领馆和巴基斯坦媒体联合制作的中巴经济走廊纪录片采访,并被CCTV-13新闻频道报道。Completed the Teacher Preparation Certificate Program at Moreland University, USA, earned a degree in English from Sichuan Normal University, and holds a certificate for teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages, as well as a high school English teaching qualification. Ms. Chen has extensive experience teaching Chinese in Pakistan, Thailand, and the UK, helping students obtain scholarships from prestigious Chinese universities, including Tsinghua University and Beijing Normal University. She is good at designing and implementing personalized learning plans, which has improved students’ language proficiency significantly. She sas chosen as the representative Chinese teacher for a documentary interview on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, co-produced by the Chinese Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, and Pakistani media, which was also reported on CCTV-13 News Channel.Swipe left for English

  6小学部数学教师Math Teachers

  李诚Bruce Li

  小学部数学组组长Head of Math Department of PYP川外成都学院英语语言文学学士美国哥伦比亚国际大学教育学教学设计硕士拥有10余年国际教育一线教学经验,曾任职于成都某外籍子女国际学校,担任小学至高中全科教师,其中包括普通数学、代数入门和代数I、II等学科。熟悉不同背景学生的心理和学术需要,并能和学生建立信任和积极的师生关系。经常组织同学们参加课外活动、科学展、兴趣俱乐部等,擅长发现孩子的闪光点,为其开展相匹配的活动,得到孩子和家长们的一致认可。With more than 10 years of front-line teaching experience in international education, Mr. Li once worked in an international school for foreign children in Chengdu as a general subject teacher from primary school to high school, including general mathematics, algebra introduction, Algebra I, II and other subjects. Mr. Li isfamiliar with the psychological and academic needs of English non-native students from different backgrounds, and is able to establish trust and positive teacher-student relationship with students. Mr. Li often organizes students to participate in extracurricular activities, science exhibitions, interest clubs, etc. outside the classroom, he is good at finding children's flash and carrying out matching activities for them, which has been unanimously recognized by children and parents.

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  袁英Katrina Yuan

  数学教师Math Teacher管理学学士高级中学数学教师资格证、化学/语文/地理教师资格证拥有近10年教学及学生管理经验,曾就职于成都某民办名校,担任班主任、教研组长,组织开展教师教研活动,稳步提升教师团队的教学、研究能力。课堂教学氛围轻松愉快,善于发现学生的闪光点,结合IB探究方式寓教于乐,树立学习数学的信心,发现学习数学的乐趣,激励学习数学的动力。With almost a decade of teaching and managing students, Ms Yuan formerly worked at the Middle School attached to Sichuan Normal University as homeroom teacher and head of teaching and researching group.Her class is always full of pleasure as she is good at discovering students’ strength. By combining the IB requirements with interesting teaching methods, she is committed to building students' confidence in learning math, their fun of learning math, and their motivation of learning math.Swipe left for English

  彭玉萍Hannah Peng

  数学教师Math Teacher四川大学哲学硕士高级中学教师资格证TESOL高级证书

  曾就职于成都某国际学校担任班主任与数学教师,教学经验丰富。深入了解小学生的学习方式、思维模式,以及行为背后的原因;擅长用具体、形象、抽象三步骤与学生探索数学概念、策略,引导学生学习解决数学问题。Ms. Peng has extensive experience as a classroom teacher and maths teacher at an international school in Chengdu. Her professional studies help her have a better understand children's learning style, way of thinking, and the reasons behind their behavior.She is good at exploring mathematical concepts and solving mathematical problems using the three steps: concrete, visualization, and abstraction.Swipe left for English

  姚佳慧Jackie Yao

  数学教师Math Teacher数学与应用数学专业学士曾就职于成都某国际学校,对教学有着极大的热情,致力于营造富有乐趣的课堂氛围。认为每个孩子都是独特的个体, 每个孩子都有适合自己的学习方式,并能取得属于自己的学习成果。在教学过程中,不仅用知识武装学生的头脑,还注重在心灵上给予学生充分的教导和滋养。Ms. Yao worked at Chengdu Experimental School. She is passionate about teaching and is committed to creating a joyful classroom with the concept of "student-centered learning". Ms. Yao believes that every child is a unique individual, and that every child has his or her own way of learning and can achieve his or her own results. Therefore, during the teaching process, Ms. Yao not only equips students with knowledge, but also focuses on teaching and nourishing them spiritually.Swipe left for English

  许丹Jessica Xu

  数学教师Math Teacher新加坡国立大学教育学硕士拥有近10年的双语教学经验,从事班主任工作6年,曾担任小学融合双语数学教师,曾在新加坡担任对外汉语双语教师。海外任教经历使许老师掌握了跨学科、跨文化的教学方式,她的课堂以学生为主体,知识讲解深入浅出,着重培养孩子的数学逻辑思维能力,鼓励孩子创造性地解决问题。Ms. Xu has a Master's Degree in Education from the National University of Singapore. With nearly 10 years of bilingual teaching experience, she has worked as a homeroom teacher for 6 years. She has also worked as an primary bilingual math teacher, and has worked as a bilingual teacher of Chinese as a foreign language in Singapore. The overseas teaching experience has allowed Ms. Xu to master interdisciplinary and cross-cultural teaching styles. Her classroom is student-oriented, with in-depth knowledge explanations that focus on cultivating children's ability to logical thinking in math and encouraging them to solve problems creatively.Swipe left for English

  何芝园Lindsay He

  数学教师Math Teacher江苏科技大学工学学士曾任职于美国索斯兰国际学校中国校区,担任双语数学教师。拥有多年国际学校任职经验,擅长全英文数学授课、鼓励式教学,秉持“每个学生都想要获得成功”的教育理念,鼓励学生不断尝试突破自我。教学中融合中国、美国、新加坡等多个国家的教学方法,借鉴ICAP、同伴教学法等方法创造性地设计出适合中国学生的国际数学课程。Ms.He used to be a bilingual math teacher at American Southland International School with several years of teaching experience. Ms.He is professional in skillfully teaching math by using English.With the strong belief “every student wants to be successful”, Lindsay keeps encouraging students to try the things they want.By integrating the teaching methods of China, the United States, Singapore and other countries, Ms.He designed the math courses creatively which adapt to Chinese students well based on ICAP and Peer Teaching MethodSwipe left for English

  谢定红Jennie Xie

  数学教师Math Teacher中国石油大学双学位学士(英语/会计)小学数学教师资格证英语专业八级曾任职于成都某国际学校,担任双语数学教师。尊重个体差异,通过不同的教学方法帮助学生提高,让每一位孩子都能爱上数学。既聚焦数学能力,又保障孩子的英文能力,让同学们在课堂上获得高效率的学习。Ms. Xie formerly worked as a bilingual mathematics teacher at Bade Meiji School. During the long-term bilingual teaching process, Ms. Xie focuses on discovering the shining points of each student, respecting individual differences, and using different teaching methods to help students improve and develop their potential. Every child can fall in love with mathematics.Ms. Xie believes that mathematics is particularly important in international chemistry schools, as it not only focuses on mathematical abilities but also ensures children's English proficiency, laying a solid foundation is the key to future development.Swipe left for English

  7小学部学生支持教师Students Support Teachers

  吕游You Lv

  学生支持教师Students Support Teacher法国里尔三大戴高乐大学对外法语教学专业硕士精通英语、法语、中文拥有近20年语言教学经验,曾任职于西南财经大学国际教学学院,担任美国学生第二语言教师;曾在成都某国际学校担任班主任、语言教研组组长及法语教师。所教授学生从小学到高中阶段均有覆盖,熟悉各年龄阶段学生学习方式,善于根据学生的自身特点调整学习计划,定期开展班级活动,组织学生外出探究学习,对学生有全面的关怀。With approximately 20 years in language teaching, Ms. Lv previously worked at Southwest University of Finance Economics International Teaching College as a second language teacher for American students. Ms. Lv also worked at Montpellier Elementary School Chengdu as homeroom teacher, head of Language teaching and researching group, and a French teacher. Her students range from elementary school to high school and she is familiar with student’s learning method of all age. Good at adjusting the learning plan accordingly, Ms. Lv arranges class activities routinely and organizes students to explore on field trips; she also works along with other subject teachers to provide her students with comprehensive care.Swipe left for English

  张茂莹 Shiny Zhang

  学生支持教师Students Support Teacher英语专业学士对外汉语教师资格证、英语教师资格证精通韩语、英语、中文拥有5年对外汉语教学经验。曾任职于泰国约瑟武巴贵族学校、韩国沃里克富兰克林学院,担任学校中文教师,带领中文组研发出该校学生中文学习体系,对国际学生中文学习有独到的见解。在韩国进修期间,担任汉语教师,辅导韩国学生考取汉语等级证书(HSK)。With 5 years in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, Ms. Zhang attended Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea for language training, obtained English teacher certificate and Chinese as a foreign language teaching certificate. Ms. Zhang previously worked at Joseph Wubba Noble School in Thailand and Warwich Franklin College in South Korea as a Chinese teacher, leading the Chinese group to develop the Chinese learning system for the school. With unique insight into Chinese learning, she assisted and tutor South Korean students to earn the Chiense Language Proficiency Certificate (HSK).Swipe left for English

  蒋雪竹洪Eva Jiang

  学生支持教师Students Support Teacher四川外国语学院成都学院英语专业学士中级英语教师资格证拥有近10年英语教学经验、5年班主任工作经验,具备先进的教育教学理念与扎实的实践经验。曾任职于成都某国际学校,对带领国际学生有深刻的理解与灵活的策略,坚持以学生为本,注重学生多样化、个性化的学习与发展需求,让学生自主发现问题,鼓励学生寻求解决问题的不同方案,提高学生自主性学习的能力。With nearly 10 years of English teaching experience and 5 years of experience as a classroom teacher, Ms. Jiang is equipped with advanced teaching concepts and solid practical experience. Having worked at Malvern College Chengdu, she has a deep understanding of leading international students and flexible strategies, adheres to the student-centered approach, focuses on students' diverse and personalized learning and development needs, allows students to discover problems on their own, encourages students to seek different solutions to problems, and improves students' ability to learn on their own.Swipe left for English

  8音乐组教师Music Teachers

  Caleb Joseph Baron


  /音乐教师Whole School Activity Coordinator/MusicTeacher戴顿大学音乐教育学士

  俄亥俄州专业教学许可证(PreK-12音乐)拥有多年的教学经验,曾成立高中和中学合唱会;曾推广、试演、选编曲目和排练40多名学生参加全国音乐节,获得“高级”评价-冬季才艺表演;组织、试演和举办一年一度的学生音乐会;同时他也是国家荣誉协会的教师顾问。在青苗,Caleb老师被誉为“音乐魔法师”,他的课堂吸引学生,甚至老师们也一同前往观摩。Mr. Baron has many years of teaching experience, having founded high school and middle school choirs. He has promoted, auditioned, selected repertoire and rehearsed over 40 students for the National Music Festival, earning a ‘Superior’ rating for the Christmas Talent Show, organised, auditioned and presented the annual student concert, and is the faculty advisor for the National Honour Society. At BEANSTALK, Mr. Baron is known as the ‘Wizard of Music’, and his classes attract students and even teachers to come and observe. He is sure to bring more surprises to the whole school in the new semester.Swipe left for English

  周余曼菁 Kira Zhou

  音乐教师Music Teacher乌克兰国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院学术演唱专业学士室内唱法专业硕士有十分丰富的声乐、表演指导经验,多次指导学生参与大型音乐剧。所教学生先后考入皇家艺术学院、伦敦艺术学院等知名艺术类院校。在古典音乐鉴赏方面也颇有造诣,在培养学生乐感方面有独到的见解。Ms. Zhou has very rich experience in vocal and performance coaching, and has coached students in many large-scale musicals. Her students have been admitted to the Royal College of Art, London College of Art and other well-known art institutions. Ms. Zhou is also an expert in classical music appreciation and has unique insights in developing students' musicality.

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  宋皎Jiao Song

  音乐教师Music Teacher英国约克大学音乐教育硕士拥有近10年音乐教学经验,教授的课程包括钢琴基础、幼儿弹唱、中西方音乐史等课程。对课程规划、全龄段音乐教学工作有针对性的安排,让每个阶段学生得到最大音乐潜力的开发。带领学生组建了青苗阿卡贝拉合唱团,多次在校内外大型活动中演出。With almost a decade of experience in music teaching, Ms. Song teaches courses such as piano fundamentals, early childhood playing and singing, and Chinese and Western music history. Delicately arranging course planning and all-age music teaching, she ensures students at each stage develops to their maximum musical potential.Swipe left for English

  Tyler Hughes

  戏剧教师Drama Teacher美国斯诺学院商业音乐专业拥有丰富的戏剧教学经验,曾在多个专业剧团担任演员,在美国犹他州某高中担任戏剧教师。曾任职于成都嘉祥幼儿园担任英语教师。丰富的阅历与职业经历赋予了他广阔的眼界与开朗热情的人格,这也使他的教学充满激情,极具感染力,深受学生喜爱。以十足的创意、耐心和爱心引导学生在戏剧的世界中开创自己的一片天地,实现语言与表演的双双提升。Mr. Hughes has a wealth of drama teaching experience, not only as an actor in several professional theatre groups, but also as a drama teacher in a high school in Utah, U.S.A. In 2021, Mr. Hughes came to China and worked as an English teacher in Chengdu Jiaxiang Kindergarten. His rich experience and professional life have given him a broad vision and a cheerful and enthusiastic personality, which makes his teaching passionate and contagious, and is loved by his students.As a drama teacher in BEANSTALK, Mr. Hughes guides his students to create their own world in the world of theatre with creativity, patience and love, and achieves the improvement of both language and performance.Swipe left for English

  9美术组教师Visual Arts Teachers

  Rolf Giddins

  视觉艺术教师/艺术组组长Visual Arts Teacher/HOD拉夫堡艺术与设计学院美术(荣誉)文学士南诺茨学院BTEC国家艺术与设计文凭在教授英语20多年后,他决定追随自己的激情,教授各种水平和能力的学生学习艺术。在国际学校任教已有5年,是一位富有创新精神和激情的艺术与设计教师。他热衷于鼓励艺术表达和培养批判性思维能力。拥有备课和授课、组织艺术展览以及与其他教师合作的经验。Mr. Giddins is an innovative and passionate art and design teacher who has been teaching in international schools for 5 years. After teaching English for over 20 years, he decided to follow his passion and teach art to all levels and abilities. Passionate about encouraging artistic expression and developing critical thinking skills. Experience planning and teaching classes, organizing art exhibitions, and collaborating with other teachers.Swipe left for English

  Megan Mace

  视觉艺术教师Visual Arts Teacher南非金山大学纯艺术专业英国德比大学iPGCE国际教育学教师资格证拥有8年教学经验,教授从小学到中学的各个阶段的课程,包括IGCSE和A-Level课程。不断开展艺术实践,曾在德国、中国、法国、南非和美国策划、组织和参与了30多次艺术展览、艺术工作坊和艺术家驻留计划。曾在北京大学担任客座演讲人。创新旨在将全球各地的艺术资源融入课堂的教学方式,使学生能够深入了解艺术的丰富历史、理论基础和文化背景,丰富他们对艺术多面性的理解和欣赏。Ms. Mace has a B. A in Fine Arts (Witwatersrand University), and obtained her iPGCE from the University of Derby. She has over 8 years of experience; teaching various primary to secondary key stages including IGCSE to A-Level. Not only does she have a wealth of teaching experience, but Ms Megan also keeps her art practice going, having curated, organised, and participated in 30+ art exhibitions, art workshops, and artist residency programs in Germany, China, France, South Africa, and the USA. She has had the privilege of being a guest speaker at Peking University, organised by Professor Cheng Ying under the title of “China and Africa: Global Encounters in History and Present”. Ms. Mace's innovative teaching approach aims to incorporate art resources from around the globe into her classroom. This diverse exposure allows students to delve into the rich history, theoretical underpinnings, and cultural contexts of art, enriching their understanding and appreciation of its multifaceted nature.Swipe left for English

  李睿Rui Li

  视觉艺术教师Visual Arts Teacher四川美术学院油画专业学士成都美术家协会会员习画30载,在各类艺术展上屡获殊荣。拥有10 余年美术教育工作经验,对小学阶段孩子的美术教学有独特见解。擅长素描、丙烯、水彩、油画、数码绘画、水拓画、国画、泥塑、纸雕、立体手工、综合材料画等领域。善于观察孩子的性格特点,用不同的艺术方式让学生们通过绘画、手工等表达自己。Having been practicing painting for 30 years, Mr. Li has achieved a variety of awards and prizes in all kinds of art exhibitions. With more than 10 years of experience in fine art education, he has developed insightful teaching style. Mr. Li specializes in sketching, acrylic, watercolor, oil painting, digital painting, Chinese painting, clay sculpture, paper sculpture, three-dimensional handcraft and mixed media painting, he observes the students’ character well and allows them to express themselves through painting and handcraft.Swipe left for English

  陆珍忆Zoe Lu

  视觉艺术 &书法教师Visual Arts & Calligraphy Teacher四川师范大学主修美术教育专业获得高级美术教学资格证、剑桥TKT双语教师资格证国际艺术教育协会(InSEA)专业会员、北师大艺无界ANOBO课题组成员从教8年,曾先后在成都多所公民办中小学担任美术教师,多次取得区/校级优秀教师以及国际理解课程设计大赛一等奖,在国际理解教育、课程研发、跨学科教学上均有着不同的尝试。重视专业技能的精进,以及教学设计与组织,不断探索着教学的广度与深度。Ms. Lu has been teaching for 8 years worked as an art teacher in Confucius International School, Gaoxin Experimental Primary School, Golden Apple Jincheng No.1 Middle School etc. She made different attempts in international understanding education, curriculum research and development, and interdisciplinary teaching.In teaching, Ms. Lu dose not only pay attention to the improvement of professional skills, but also pay attention to teaching design and organization, and constantly explore the depth of teaching.Swipe left for English

  陈蔷薇Qiangwei Chen

  艺术教师Visual Arts Teacher伦敦艺术大学硕士深耕于油画、国画、书法等多个艺术领域,拥有扎实的理论基础,曾在期刊上发表关于油画与美育的学术论文。积累了丰富的美术教育及艺术策展经验,曾在成都某画室担任美术教师,指导学生从零基础到熟练掌握艺术技巧,创作出令人瞩目的作品;注重培养学生的艺术感知力与创造力,引导学生通过艺术表达自我,释放情感。Ms. Chen is deeply involved in various art fields such as oil painting, Chinese painting and calligraphy, and possesses a solid theoretical foundation. She has published academic papers on oil painting and aesthetic education in journals. She has also accumulated a wealth of experience in art education and art curation. She worked as an art teacher in a studio in Chengdu, where she guided her students from zero foundation to mastering art skills and creating remarkable works; in the classroom, Chen focuses on cultivating students' artistic perception and creativity, guiding them to express themselves and release their emotions through art.Swipe left for English

  梁玲玲Lingling Liang

  设计教师Design Teacher四川师范大学舞台美术设计专业拥有丰富的艺术课程教学经验,长期参与教学策划工作,熟知IB知识体系,采用国际化教学理念和方式对学生进行个性化指导,擅长组织课内外主题活动与环境创设,善于培养孩子用美术表达自己,启发孩子的艺术想象。Ms. Lianghas rich experience in teaching art courses for the junior age group. She has been involved in teaching planning for a long time, and she is familiar with the IB knowledge system. In teaching, she is familiar with the international teaching concepts and methods, offering personalized guidance for students.Ms. Liang is skilled at organizing thematic activities as well as environment designing, and she is good at cultivating children to express themselves with art and inspire their artistic imaginations.Swipe left for English

  10体育组教师PE Teachers

  Nathan Addai

  体育教师/体育组组长PE Teacher/HOD英国密德萨斯大学体育与运动科学荣誉学士拥有超过10年体育教学工作经验,曾在杭州多所国际双语学校担任体育教师。擅长足球、篮球、橄榄球、游泳等运动,能够根据不同年龄段、不同运动水平学生进行具有针对性、科学合理的运动指导。连续多年带领青苗学子在CISA系列比赛中取得女排冠军。With experience in teaching physical education exceeding 10 years, Mr.Addai previously worked as a physical education teacher in several international bilingual schools in Hangzhou. Mr.Addai specializes in soccer, basketball, football, swimming and other sports, and is able to provide targeted, scientific and reasonable sports instruction to students of different ages and sports levels. HeLed BEANSTALK students to the women's volleyball championship in the CISA series in consecutive years.Swipe left for English

  Marko Đorđević

  体育教师PE Teacher塞尔维亚国立大学体育教育硕士

  注册游泳教练、篮球教练将近20年的体育教育经验,任教于多个国际学校。与学生友好相处,担任篮球校队教练,带领学生参加CISA篮球比赛,让学生能够体验到更丰富的体育项目。Mr.Đorđević has nearly 20 years of experience in PE education, teaching at several international schools. He is friendly with students as a PE teacher, collaborating with MYP coordinator and PHE teacher many times to implement MYP PHE curriculum so that students can experience a richer sports program.Swipe left for English

  Behnaz Hashemi (Bella)

  体育教师PE Teacher体育教育与运动科学学士

  电子科技大学公共管理硕士排球教练认证/排球基本技术协调能力认证田径裁判员证书/体能教练证书运动营养证书/TRX培训方法证书/CX培训方法证书/运动员损伤心理证书WFDF终极认证证书TESOL证书曾在多所国际学校/幼儿园担任体育教师近7年,深谙体育和体育教学的精髓,曾在国际体育赛事中取得优异成绩,如空手道紫带认证、大中华区全国极限飞盘比赛第三名、大学生运动会短跑冠军等。致力于通过运动培养孩子们的自信心,保持身心健康。Ms. Bella has been a PE teacher at Kharazmi School, Montessori International Kindergarten and HTD International Kindergarten for nearly 7 years.Ms. Bella knows the essence of PE and PE teaching deeply. She has made outstanding achievements in international sports venues, such as Karate Purple Belt certification, third place in the National Ultimate Frisbee competition in the Greater China Championship, and the sprint champion in the University Games. Ms. Bella loves sports and is passionate about physical education teaching. Ms. Bella hopes to cultivate children's confidence and keep them physically and mentally healthy through sports.Swipe left for English

  王勇John Wang

  体育教师PE Teacher四川大学体育训练学与现代体育教学硕士澳大利亚ASCTA颁发的国际游泳教练证

  擅长篮球、游泳、 乒乓球、羽毛球等体育运动,深谙不同年龄段孩子的运动需求,选择科学合理的教学活动,在满足学生身体锻炼需求的同时,提高学生的体育锻炼兴趣。Holding an international swimming instructor certificate issued by ASCTA in Australia, Mr. Wang is also good at instructing basketball, swim, table tennis, and badminton; truly understanding the need of sports for children of different age, he ensures them to have scientific and reasonable physical exercise.Swipe left for English

  陈子杰Tank Chen

  体育教师PE Teacher成都体育学院武术与民族传统体育专业国家一级社会体育指导员证,国家二级运动员证武术散打教练证,RAJA国际格斗教练证,空手道初级教练证,儿童体适能教练证,IFF国际旱地冰球裁判及教练证,NFL腰旗橄榄球裁判及教练员11年体育教学经验,擅⻓教授:橄榄球、旱地冰球、武术散打、体适能、单板滑雪等运动课程;热爱体育行业,具有丰富的教学经验,善于发现教学中的问题并提出建议。喜欢学习与尝试,有创新意识;热情、活泼,喜欢小朋友,与人相处融洽。Mr. Chen has 11 years of sports teaching experience. He is good at teaching: American football, dryland ice hockey, martial arts sparring, physical fitness, snowboarding and other sports courses;Mr. Chen loves the sports industry and he is good at identifying problems in teaching and offering suggestions with his rich teaching experience.Mr. Chen loves learning and experimenting, being creative; He is enthusiastic, lively.Mr. Chen loves kids, and gets along well with them.Swipe left for English

  Teriq Roberts

  体育教师PE Teacher国际英语教师资格证书IB-MYPPE培训证书拥有近6年体育教学/教练经验,曾就职于江苏某外籍子女学校,担任中学体育教师,向学生教授适用于健康生活方式的技能和价值观。精通足球、篮球等多项运动,更擅长将运动的乐趣与团队精神融入日常教学中,激发学生的运动潜能,培养他们的坚韧意志和团队合作精神。With nearly 6 years of experience in teaching/coaching PE at an expatriate school in Jiangsu Province as a secondary school PE teacher, where he taught students skills and values applicable to a healthy lifestyle, Mr.Roberts is well versed in a wide range of sports such as football, basketball, etc.Mr.Roberts is also adept at incorporating the joy of sports and teamwork into his daily teaching to stimulate the athletic potential of his students and to develop in them a spirit of perseverance and teamwork.Swipe left for English

  11心理组教师School Psychologist

  谭雅心 Zoe Tan

  心理咨询教师/心理学教师Mental Health Counselor美国佩波戴恩大学心理学硕士心理咨询师,国际心理学荣誉学会授予 Psi Chi 会员荣誉多年海外留学经历,使她更加深入地了解不同文化下的人文差异、社会环境的影响以及个体差异。曾任职于美国当地大学,担任学生的私人教师,兼顾在高等教育机构和帮助流浪人群的非盈利组织工作。在青苗工作3年中,为学生提供团体心理辅导和一对一咨询,致力于孩子的身心健康发展。Years of overseas study experience enable Ms. Tan to have a deeper understanding of the cultural differences in different cultures, the influence of social environment and individual differences. After graduating with a GPA of 3.95 (4.0), Ms. Tan worked as a private tutor for students at a local university in the United States, combining work at higher education institutions with non-profit organizations that help homeless people.Swipe left for English

  12图书管理员School Librarian

  孔南Luke Kong

  图书管理员School Librarian管理科学学士学位热爱教学与阅读,在近10年的职业生涯中,一直从事IB图书管理员工作,不仅负责图书馆书籍的管理和规划,还负责阅读课程的讲授和课程设计;负责测试学生的阅读水平,鼓励学生主动学习,享受阅读的乐趣。鼓励所有的学生爱上阅读,培养良好的阅读习惯,让阅读成为支撑终身学习者的基础。



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