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上海英国国际学校    http://www.ctiku.com/shyggjxx/    2016年10月21日

Established in 2002, Nord Anglia International School is an excellent international school in Shanghai focusing on high achievement for every child and success across all subject areas. We offer the very best of the British education system in China for children aged 12 months to 18 years.
成立于2002年,北英格兰国际学校是一个很好的国际学校在上海关注每个孩子的高成就和成功在所有学科领域。 我们提供较好的英国教育系统在中国12个月到18岁的儿童。
As one of the longest established international schools in Shanghai, we have earned a reputation for excellence in English education in China. The sense of community spirit here is obvious as you walk through the door. You are likely to be greeted by parents in our reception area or in the coffee shop, meeting to discuss the next community event or helping with class activities.
时间是较长的在上海建立国际学校,我们已经获得了卓越的声誉在中国英语教育。 社区精神的意义是显而易见的,因为你走进门。 你可能会受到父母在我们接待区或在咖啡店,会议,讨论接下来的社区活动与课堂活动或帮助。
We offer your child a truly global experience, where their personal ambitions are nurtured by our inspirational teachers and where they are challenged by the exceptional learning opportunities they will find. Your child will be welcomed into an inspiring internationally diverse community and will learn to make a difference in their world. Your child and your family will love being part of our school.
我们提供孩子一个真正的全球经验,他们的个人野心是我们鼓舞人心的教师和他们培育的特殊挑战的学习机会他们会发现。 你的孩子将被欢迎进入一个令人鼓舞的国际多样化的社区和学会会改变他们的世界。 你的孩子和你的家人会喜欢我们学校的一部分。

来源:国际学校网 本页网址:http://www.ctiku.com/shyggjxx/193504.html


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