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苏州工业园区外国语学校    http://www.ctiku.com/szgyyq/    2016年10月29日

1、乐木课堂 Iwood Class
  在欧美日本等国家,一直奉行 “手工强国才是科技强国”,培养孩子手工制作能力,一直被家长和学校重视,形式多样的手工制作教育,在这些国家随处可见,老师和家长鼓励孩子自己动手制 作,这也导致了国外孩子的动手能力很强且童年总是充满快乐的。而在中国,应试教育的痛疾悬而未决,想要孩子既有很强的动手能力,又可以学到很多理论知识, 是非常困难的。
  With the notion that “ It is handwork that makes a powerful nation.”, parents and teachers in European and American countries pay special attention to the importance of handwork for their children. And various kinds of handwork education can be seen everywhere in these countries. For their encouragement, children get hands-on skills and have happy childhood as well. However inChina, it is hard for children to be skilled at handwork and meanwhile acquire theories because of the examination-oriented education system.
   However, in “iwood class” these problems can be solved. Founded for inheriting woodwork culture, “iwood class”can arouse children’s interest and help them improve their creativity , thinking and hands-on skills.
2、情商课程 EQ Course
  The course is set once a week, which is only for students fromGrade One to Grade Three. Maybe next year students of senior classeswill join as well.
  本学期1-3年级的情商课程涵括两大板块:自尊自信(Self-esteem)和情绪管理( Anger Management)。我们的情商课程是跟“波比家(Bobby’s Family)”合作开发,瞧,书本活动手册都是专门制定的呢!
  Our EQ course includes two parts: Self-esteemand Anger Management. Cooperating with Bobby’s Family, we developed this course.Look! This is our customized Handbook.
   Undoubtedly all the teachers of EQ course come from Bobby’sFamily. Each class, there are two teachers accompanyingus, studying, playing games or doing test together.
3、ILP 课程 ILP Course
  ILP美国国际语言组织(英文:INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE PROGRAM),它拥有非常成熟及有效的教学体系,ILP所有外籍教师全部来自美国本土,都经过严格挑选、专业培训。他们语音纯正,性格开朗,年轻活泼,而且教学热情高,对学生充满爱心与耐心。他们带领孩子融入特定的国际化环境中,体验多元文化,并学习流利地使用一种语言,而不是刻板地教授单词和语言规则来掌握语言。
  ILP (short for INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE PROGRAM) is a very mature and effective teaching system. All the foreign teachers are from the United States, who have been strictly selected and professional trained. They are cheerful, young and full of enthusiasm, love and patience for students. They lead us into a specific international environment, experience of embracing the multi-culture and learning to use English fluently.
  Firstly we have Assembly. We have lots of things to do, such as Calendar, weather, rules discussing, mood and feelings and so on. But the most happiness time is the songs and dancing we can pick by ourselves.
  Then we take turns to learn about 25 minutes in each group. Our lessons end at 3:40. What we’re willing to share with you is what we made in Kitchen Group today. Look! It’s a special lollipop. Guess! What is made from? O-ho,I already ate it, cause it’s so yummy!
4、剑桥课程 Cambridge programmes
  SuzhouIndustrial Park Foreign Language School (SIPFLS) has been awarded Cambridge International School status by Cambridge International Examinations and is now approved to offer Cambridge programmes and qualifications, including Cambridge IGCS, Cambridge Checkpoint.
  Michael O’Sullivan, Chief Executive of Cambridge International Examinations, said: “We are delighted to announce that Suzhou Industrial Park Foreign Language School has joined our global community of Cambridge schools. We look forward to a long and productive relationship which will be of great benefit to learners throughout the region.”
  剑桥国际考试委员会首席执行官Michael O’Sullivan 先生说:“我们非常高兴的宣布,苏州工业园区外国语学校成为我们全球剑桥学校大家庭的新成员。我们期待着双方保持长期建设性的关系来惠及当地学生。”
  Cambridge programmes and qualifications are recognised and valued by universities and employers around the world. Cambridge helps schools deliver the best education possible by providing comprehensive support, including teacher training, classroom resources and membership of a global learning community.
Cambridge programmes and qualifications are taught in more than 10 000 schools in over 160 countries.
  Fanghua Li, Vice president of SIPFLS said: “In order to provide our students with the best program, we join Cambridge International School, which makes it possible for us to offer the best service with the best resource in the world.”
二、学生发展中心 Academic Advising Office
  Our school is lucky enough to have a full time Academic Advising office with two full time and two part-time staff dedicated to assisting students in pursuing post-secondary education studies at a wide variety of International universities and colleges. Our BC high school program’s academic office regularly schedules university representative meetings, chaperones students to university fairs in other schools in Suzhou and Shanghai, arranges meetings with alumni from the school who have completed their post-secondary education, and arranges for students to have opportunities to meet with successful graduates in the fields they might be interested (Eg. business, health services, and the hotel industry.) Last year our 43 graduates received over 110 conditional offices from universities and colleges in six different countries.
  The Academic office also meets with parents, assists with student applications to universities, makes phone calls overseas to check with university advisors when problems with applications or transcripts arise, assists with visas, banking arrangements, dormitory or homestay arrangements, and with career surveys for students who are uncertain as to the direction they want to move in. They hold a number of parent nights a year and meet with every student and their parents at least once in grade 11 and grade 12.

来源:国际学校网 本页网址:http://www.ctiku.com/szgyyq/193911.html


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