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苏州新加坡国际学校    http://www.ctiku.com/szxjp/    2016年10月28日

A challenging education
  SSIS offers a challenging holistic education that encourages self-motivated, lifelong learners, who value other cultures and are responsible, meaningful participants in the international community. SSIS is a fully authorized IB World School, offering the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme.
  SSIS提供一个具有挑战性的全人教育,鼓励有上进心,终身学习者,其他文化和价值是谁负责,有意义的参与国际社会。 ssi是世界完全授权IB学校,提供主要的年计划,中年计划和文凭课程。
Consistently excellent results
  Our student's excellent academic results are consistently above world average. The Class of 2016 received an average score of 34 out of 45 (the world average was 29). One student received a  score of 42 and another five students received a score over 40. 57% received the highest possible score in at least one subject.
  我们的学生优秀的学术成绩一直高于世界平均水平。 2016届收到平均分数为34的45(世界平均29)。 一个学生得到42分,另一个五名学生收到了 得分超过40。 57% 获得尽可能多的分数至少在一个主题。
Something extra for everyone
  With over 100 activities to choose from, there is never a shortage of opportunities to explore and participate. From soccer to orchestra to Model United Nations to origami, there really is something for everyone.
  超过100的活动可供选择,没有短缺的探索和参与的机会。 从足球到乐团模拟联合国折纸,其实对每个人都是。
Outstanding, committed and inspirational teachers
  These dedicated professionals are certified in their home countries and a significant number hold Master's degrees or above. 150 expatriate staff, representing more than 20 different countries, and 34 Chinese national teachers, work collaboratively to ensure a holistic, interdisciplinary, and effective approach to teaching and learning.
  这些专用的专业认证在本国和大量持有硕士学位或以上。 150名外籍员工,代表超过20个不同的国家,和中国34个国家老师,协同合作,确保整体,跨学科的、有效的教学和学习方法。
Exceptional facilities to support the latest teaching and learning
  With a 650 seat theatre and a black box theatre, eight science labs, five art rooms, five music rooms, ten music practice rooms, a media centre, a 25 metre swimming pool, football (soccer) fields, tennis courts, a 400 metre running track, two libraries, two double gymnasiums and two canteens who could ask for more?
Students come to learn but leave with something more
  In a positive environment where students support each other our school is not just a place to learn but also to socialize and play. Students from every age and nationality meet and mix with other students, creating a sense of identity and belonging.
  在一个积极的环境,学生相互支持我们学校不仅是学习的地方也是社交和娱乐。 学生来自各个年龄和国籍和混合会见其他学生,创建一个的认同感和归属感。
Not just a school, a community
  School is not just for students! Parents are a key part of the SSIS community, and regularly attend information events to discuss school issues and build shared understanding of SSIS beliefs, goals and procedures. We have an active Parent School Partnership committee, which is made up of committed parents from all parts of the school who contribute to school life in many ways, from serving on uniform and canteen review committees to organising school wide family events. Parent volunteers are valued and welcomed, where there are many opportunities to enrich student learning, join field trips, and support sports teams, extra-curricular activities and school wide events.
  学校不仅仅是学生! 父母是一个关键的SSIS社区的一部分,并定期参加信息活动讨论学校的问题和建立共享的理解SSIS信仰,目标和过程。 我们有一个活跃的家长学校合作委员会,由父母犯下的所有部分学校对学校生活在许多方面,从制服,食堂服务审查委员会组织学校广泛的家庭活动。 家长志愿者重视和欢迎,有很多机会来丰富学生的学习,参加实地考察,和支持运动队,课外活动和学校广泛的事件。
  With over 45 different nationalities we celebrate our diversity throughout the year in a multitude of ways, culminating with the International Family Day in May; a celebration of the many different nationalities present in our school community aimed at raising money for local charities.
Speaking in many tongues
  While English is the language of instruction at SSIS we actively support the maintenance and development of all the mother tongue languages. Chinese, Korean, German, Japanese, Spanish and French are offered at different grade levels within our curriculum, and classroom space is provided to parent groups who set up classes in additional languages outside of school hours. For those who need support with English we offer a comprehensive English as a Second Language (ESL) programme.
  虽然英语是教学语言在SSIS我们积极支持所有的维护和发展母语的语言。 中国、韩国、德国、日本、西班牙和法国提供在不同年级在我们的课程和课堂空间提供给家长团体建立类在上课时间外的其他语言。 用英语对那些需要支持我们提供一个全面的英语作为第二语言(英语)计划。
Local, regional and global partnerships
  As well as being an IB World School, SSIS is accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS), New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and National Center for School Curriculum and Textbook Instruction (NCCT). SSIS a member of the Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS), East Asian Regional Council of Overseas Schools (EARCOS), China International School Sport Association (CISSA) and Shanghai International School Athletic Conference (SISAC). The school is a member of a group of international schools, kindergartens and foreign language schools in China and locally we partner with charitable organizations and schools to give students the opportunity to experience life in their local community.                作为一个IB的世界学校,SSIS委员会认证的国际学校(CIS),新英格兰学校和大学协会(NEASC)和国家学校课程和教材教学中心(NCCT)。 SSIS协会成员,中国和蒙古国际学校(ACAMIS),东亚区域市政局的海外学校(EARCOS),中国国际学校体育协会(CISSA)和上海国际学校体育会议(SISAC)。 学校属于一群国际学校,幼儿园在中国和外国语言学校和当地我们与慈善组织和学校合作,让学生有机会体验生活在当地的社区。
Finding the right path
  Our college counselors work with students (and their parents) to help choose and apply for colleges and universities across the world. Graduates from SSIS have been accepted by prestigious colleges and universities including University of Cambridge, the London School of Economics and Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne in Europe, Vassar College and McGill University in North America and the University of Hong Kong and Seoul National University in Asia.
  我们学院辅导员与学生工作(和他们的父母)来帮助选择和申请院校在世界各地。 毕业生SSIS已经接受的知名高校包括剑桥大学、伦敦经济学院和高等Hoteliere洛桑在欧洲、在北美瓦萨尔学院和麦吉尔大学、香港大学和首尔国立大学在亚洲。

来源:国际学校网 本页网址:http://www.ctiku.com/szxjp/193787.html


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