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香港学堂国际学校    http://www.ctiku.com/xuetang/    2016年11月16日

    HKA is lucky to have a generous community who supports the school in many ways. Recognising this, the school has developed a Culture of Philanthropy to provide a framework for all fundraising and volunteering programmes at the school.
    HKA's Culture of Philanthropy
    Hong Kong Academy recognises that everyone contributes to the life of the school in different ways and values all gifts to the school, whether of time, talent, or financial resources. The community-centered, co-operative values that inspired the school’s founders continue to shape HKA today. Each member of the community is a gift to the school and HKA appreciates everyone for their roles in making HKA a positive and dynamic learning environment.
HKA seeks every opportunity to say thank you to those who give generously of their time, expertise, and resources, including faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, former families, and others associated with the school. The school seeks to say thank you in ways that respect HKA’s sense of community and its many cultural backgrounds and contexts. HKA stresses the importance of the personal thank you over public recognition and offers public recognition that matches the school’s vision and values.
If you would like to give your time as a HKA Volunteer please visit our Parent Community page and submit the online HKACO Volunteer Sign-up form. You can also visit our Donate page where you can donate a cash sum or purchase one of our Theatre seats with a dedication plaque.
    Thank you.

    HKA是幸运的有一个慷慨的社区支持学校在许多方面。 承认这一点,学校发展慈善的文化提供了一个框架为所有在学校筹款和志愿服务项目。
    香港学院承认,每个人都以不同的方式有助于学校的生活和价值观的所有礼物学校,无论是时间、天赋,还是金融资源。 社区中心的合作价值,激发了学校的创始人继续塑造HKA今天。 每个成员的社区是一个礼物送给学校和HKA赞赏每一个他们的角色在HKA积极和动态学习环境。
HKA寻求每一个机会说谢谢你那些不吝惜他们的时间,专业知识,和资源,包括教师,职员,学生、家长、校友、前家庭,和其他与学校联系在一起。 学校试图说谢谢的方式尊重HKA的社区和它的许多文化背景和上下文。 HKA强调个人的重要性,谢谢你在公共识别和提供公共识别匹配学校的愿景和价值观。
如果你想给你的时间作为HKA志愿者请访问我们 家长社区 页面,提交在线HKACO志愿者注册表单。 你也可以访问我们 捐赠 页面,在那里你可以捐一笔现金或购买我们的一个剧院座位奉献斑块。

来源:国际学校网 本页网址:http://www.ctiku.com/xuetang/195697.html


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