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济宁孔子国际学校    http://www.ctiku.com/jnkz/    2016年11月10日





    学贯中西 对话世界——孔子国际学校高中国际部致力于培养一代“出国前了解中国、出国中关注中国、学成后服务于中国”的具有中华民族文化底蕴,通晓国际规则,具有跨文化理解力的国际型人才。

Have a thorough knowledge on both Chinese and Western culture, communicate with the world.  The international department of high school is committed to producing a generation of “knew China before going aboard, concern about China while learn in the foreign countries, serve China after finished the learning” talents of the world rooted in Chinese history and culture, but also have a good knowledge of international rules and intercultural understanding.

    勤于思考 勇于探究——培养和发展学生们与生俱来的好奇心,学习并掌握开展探索和研究的必要技能,允许学生以批判性和创造性的思维方式来识别和处理问题,并做出合理性的判断。

To be diligent in thinking and dare to explore in depth: to nurture and develop students’ native curiosity, in order to guide them to learn the essential skills for research and exploration study. Also allow students to deal with the problems in critical and innovative ways and then provide the reasonable judgments on their own.

    自主选择 自我决断——培养学生形成自我评估的能力,了解自己的长处和局限性,对自己的学习和经历做出缜密的思考,自主抉择并勇于承担其责任。

Independent choice and self-determination. To train the students to learn the ability of self-evaluation and their advantages and limitations.  Learn how to make a decision after self-thinking and take a full responsibility for it as well.

    思维开放 善于交流——了解和欣赏本民族的文化历史,并对其他个人和社会群体的传统价值观采取开放和包容的态度。同时能够运用一种以上的语言在多样化的模式中有效而愉快地与他人交流与合作。

Open-mind and be good at communication.  Learn how to understand and appreciate the national culture and history and how to hold an open and tolerant attitude towards traditional value viewpoints from the others.  In the meantime, learn to use more than one language to communicate and collaborate with people effectively and pleasantly in the multi-culture situations.

    博爱包容 尊重他人——倡导博爱、包容的“大爱”文化心态,理解和同情他人的需要和感受,尊重他人的尊严。懂得尊重他人是一名合格的国际型人才应具备的基本品质。

Love, forgive and caring.  Advocating the cultural mentality of love and forgive, and understanding and sympathizing others’ needs and feelings, and knowing how to show respect for others.  Learn to know how to respect people is the basic quality of being a qualified international talent.

    身心健康 全面发展——孔子国际学校高中国际部重视学生学业和情感的发展,同时更重视学生拥有健康的体魄和良好的精神风貌,这是学生服务于社会,体现自我价值的先决条件。

Have a health status on both physical and mentality, all-round development.  The international department of high school has paid attention to students’ promotion on study and emotion as well as their healthy and good mental outlook, which is a prerequisite of achieving self-value by serving the communities.

我们的师资 Our Teachers


The international department of high school arranges professional foreign teachers to cooperate with Chinese teachers to teach the courses.  The department plans to hire the professional foreign teachers with rich teaching experience, in the meantime, the Chinese bilingual teachers attend to course lectures, cope with the problems in class and tutor students after class.  The departments also arrange bilingual courses by Chinese teachers for ensure the students can effectively study the other courses.


The students in AP class, they plan to directly go to the western universities in America, Britain, Canada, and Australia after they have completed the AP courses and then attend the AP and TOEFL test. The academic center of international department is in charge of recommending students to the foreign universities according to the students’ intentions and individual learning conditions.The academic center also provides the materials such as student status certificate, transcript, recommendation letter and diploma for guiding students to apply the first-class universities of the world, mainly in America and also the universities in Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Hong Kong, etc.

来源:国际学校网 本页网址:http://www.ctiku.com/jnkz/195168.html


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